28 July 2010

240/365 - sunflower and sun

I was about to drive home from work when I spotted some magnificent sunflowers growing in the school garden...Had to do it.

239/365 - squash monster

239/365 - squash monster
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
This plant is slowly taking over our garden. In a few weeks we will either be eating well, or it will be eating us!

26 July 2010

238/365 - hang

238/365 - hang
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Ohhhhh iPhone camera...you have saved my 365 on many an occasion. I thank you.

25 July 2010

237/365 - water, please

237/365 - water, please
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My daughter had planted a seed and asked me to water it for her at night, after she had gone to sleep. As I watered, I remembered I had not taken a single shot today...

24 July 2010

236/365 - first steps

236/365 - first steps
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
The big girls were watching Star Wars, and to our surprise, the littlest one let go of our yellow chair, balanced herself and walked four steps to where we were sitting. It was Awesome! We grabbed the videocam and induced her (with an iPhone) to make the journey again.

I downloaded the video and took screen shots of her four steps (technically her 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th steps). I know this is a stretch for POTD, but I figure it is acceptable under the circumstances...

22 July 2010

235/365 - the deep end

235/365 - the deep end
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
I remember being terrified of the deep end...not my two girls...have we not instilled enough fear in them? Are they just braver than I was? My 5 year old jumped off the lifeguard tower about 15 times. It's a solid six feet above the water!

21 July 2010

234/365 - 3babyjs

234/365 - 3babyjs
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Honestly, if I could have three more of this little one, I probably would right now. Of course, she is stubborn as can be, so I might regret that statement in another year... Still, right now, I'd take it.

20 July 2010

233/365 - official name change

Gabby is now Gabriella. She announced a few months ago that in first grade she wanted to be called by her full name. This is her practicing for the move...

232/365 - young blue eyes

232/365 - young blue eyes
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
I am really liking this kid. While her older and younger sisters are clamoring for attention, she just cruises along. Love ya, Alex.

19 July 2010

231/365 - roller coaster bliss

This was my second ride of the day and I was DONE. Gabby proceeded to capture four more rides, sprinting from the exit to the entrance each time.

230/365 - shucks...

230/365 - shucks...
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Yep, terrible title, but I had to do it. That was some tasty corn...Man oh man, I love summer!

229/365 - whipped cream mountain

For those paying attention:

Yes, Our girls are on the "no cavity" wall at the dentist.


Yes, this is just two days after their checkups...


No, we will not be parents of the year after all...

227/365 - you'll be a dentist...

Man, those dental tools are pretty scary when you think about it. I am glad they hide them from the kids when they get their check ups. Both girls are back up on the NO CAVITY board. Yay!

228/365 - steel belted goodness

The preschool across the street has some old tires the little ones roll down the hill. At sunset, and without a POD, they caught my eye...

13 July 2010

226/365 - paging doctor riebhoff

I believe band-aids actually do have a magical healing power.

225/365 - old rose

225/365 - old rose
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
A little abstract of a climbing rose. I just got CS5, so I wanted to practice with layers and masks to see what was new. Pretty darn cool so far!

224/365 - be patient, young man

Trying really hard to grow a green roof, but just can't get the plants to spread out on there own. Every couple of weeks I am adding a plant or two to the mix hoping that one of them decides, overnight, to cover the entire roof on their own. Perhaps I should be a bit more patient...

09 July 2010

221/365 - uppies

221/365 - uppies
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
The little one has learned to raise her hands and look extremely cute when she wants to get picked up. Ok, she learned the extremely cute part a long time ago...

220/365 - bonding

220/365 - bonding
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Another day on the couch, but had some fun with baby j. Man she is a cool little kid. She has a huge stuborn streak which is really hilarious now....not sure how much fun it will be in another year or so...

219/365 - a low moment

219/365 - a low moment
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
As the sun set, I realized I had forgotten a shot for the day. I have been a bit out of it, but gathered some strength and went out front to shoot a really cool bench that had nasturtiums growing up between the slats. After uploading it and review the images, I realized how bad they were. Yikes! This is the best of the bunch, with a slight amount of processing to try to make it look at least halfway decent...

07 July 2010

218/365 - the taco tongue

218/365 - the taco tongue
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Our family is world famous for our taco tongues. It really defines who we are as people and is something we take a great deal of pride in.

05 July 2010

217/365 - color splash

217/365 - color splash
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
I know, not a great shot, but I did really like the frozen-in-time water and the vivid colors. Besides that, not a lot going for the image...oh well, it was the best I could muster today, hopefully tomorrow will be better!

213/365 - not much

213/365 - not much
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
I knew today would be a tough day, so I snapped off a quick shot early, just in case I was not feeling up to shooting later. Turns out, I was correct. Might be a boring couple of days here....sorry.

212/365 - an ode to 39

212/365 - an ode to 39
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
I love getting older. The bad knees, the mind going astray, the bald spot growing ever bigger. At least they are busy developing products just for me.

PS - No, this is not me on the cover, although this guy is ridiculously good looking!

04 July 2010

216/354 - happy fourth

216/354 - happy fourth
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
"Daddy, take a picture of my star." How could a dad resist?

215/365 - i love you argentina

Despite our German heritage, our girls were rooting strongly for Messi and the gang. I think they really wanted to see Diego Maradona running through the streets of BA in his birthday suit...

214/365 - book time

214/365 - book time
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Our girls love books, even baby J is starting to get into the act. She turns the pages and laughs away. Big chuckles!