29 June 2010

211/365 - slow down!!!!

211/365 - slow down!!!!
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My two oldest daughters will both be in elementary school next year. Today, they had an event there and we walked to school together. I was stuck in the rear holding their flip-flops as they scurried ahead. Can't believe they are getting so big!

I decided to play with a texture today. Check out the texture at:


28 June 2010

210/365 - jewels

210/365 - jewels
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
The surf gods brought a bit of swell, which was nice, but the kelp gods went a bit overboard. Still, it was nice to get out, so no complaints here.

A post-surf photo walk provided some pretty cool webs that had been kissed by the misty early-morning fog in Santa Cruz.

27 June 2010

209/365 - pray for surf

209/365 - pray for surf
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Heading over early tomorrow, so I prepped everything in the garage tonight. Hopefully, the surf gods will send a little something my way...

26 June 2010

208/365 - come to mama

208/365 - come to mama
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Little baby J and I have bonded a bit since school let out, but mom is (and will likely always be) the parent of choice when some serious love is needed.

207/365 - dorks

207/365 - dorks
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
"Dad, grab your camera!" my oldest screamed as her and her sister ran out the back door. Once I got to the backyard, they told me they had a great idea for my picture today. They had dressed in pink volleyball uniforms and warm-up shirts (from my high school team's game benefiting breast cancer research), snagged a tiny volleyball and were ready to pose. Gotta love the assist!

206/365 - happy daddy day

206/365 - happy daddy day
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My beautiful wife stole a few of my 365 shots and sent them to an Etsy artist in Canada who pops them onto blocks of wood. Quite a cool little gift. I will even advertise for this lady, check her stuff out at:


205/365 - sooooo gooood

205/365 - sooooo gooood
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
The goose at sunset with a homemade ice cream sandwich. Life is good!

204/365 - (almost) end of the road

Wow, I had no idea the drive down the coast from Oregon to the Bay Area was sooooo bad. Our 5-year-old got sick about an hour into the ride today...Let's just say, I spent 4 hours detailing the car once we finally made it home...

The good news is we made it safe, and despite the unfortunate puking incident, had a great time. This is an attempted overhead of us finishing a scoop just north of the Golden Gate Bridge.

24 June 2010

203/365 - post father's day surf

First time into the water with my wife's Pentax Optio W80. I stuffed it inside the sleeve of my wetsuit and caught a few little dribblers at South Beach in Crescent City, CA. Cool little town, could have used another foot or two in the swell department, but no complaints here...

202/365 - bunyan

202/365 - bunyan
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My wife is not as excited about the family road trip as I am. Are you going to get a chance to sit on the foot of a 60 foot tall Paul Bunyan if you fly everywhere? I think not!

201/365 - in flight

201/365 - in flight
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My 6-year-old is a kite flying fool. She was so excited she did not want to wind it back in, even after almost an hour in the air...

200/365 - daisy ring

200/365 - daisy ring
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
The art of the daisy ring is a focus of mine this summer.

199/365 - l o v e

199/365 - l o v e
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Jumping rope in front of Grandma and Grandpa's place in Oregon. We had a great time visiting the folks and my girls absolutely loved it up there.

23 June 2010

198/365 - Alexxxxx!!!!!

198/365 - Alexxxxx!!!!!
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
She can be so ornery at times, but when this girl is happy, the world is just perfect!

197/365 - on the road again...

Heading north from the Bay Area towards my parents place in Florence Oregon. We stopped in Redding, CA for lunch on the banks of the Sacramento River and walked across the Sundial Bridge, which is a pretty sweet little piece of architecture/engineering.

We started off our drive with a bit of Willie, and that became our tradition each morning...We were a true "Band of Gypsies..."

196/365 - oops...

196/365 - oops...
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Wildly packing for our family car trip up to Oregon and forgot to grab a shot today. it was almost 11:00pm, but I snapped on the Gorrillapod and snapped a few shots of a Hydrangea my wife had popped into an arrangement... Whew! My closest call yet....

13 June 2010

195/365alt - blow out

195/365alt - blow out
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Gathering 'round to watch Jess (with a little help) blow out her first candle.

195/365 - our bug's first

195/365 - our bug's first
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Jessamine turned one on Tuesday, but we had the party today. Michele (my beautiful wife) is a master party planner and did not disappoint. This was her first experience with cake and she was a pretty big fan...

194/365alt - miss u

194/365alt - miss u
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
The last week of school is a whirlwind of activity with final exams, middle school graduation, high school baccalaureate mass and high school graduation. I had not seen my kids except for breakfast for three straight days. My oldest made this sign and taped it to our front door. The interpretation of the right side is "I Miss You"

194/365 - things are looking up

This year's graduation was a real tough one. I had to say goodbye to some really amazing young men and women and lost it a few dozen times over the last three days. This shot was taken right before we lined up for the graduation ceremonies.

193/365 - work in progress

193/365 - work in progress
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My semester "final" for ceramics. It was really a fun half year. The instructor was fabulous and I learned a ton. Perhaps a 365 next year with a new piece every day? Not likely, but I do plan to keep playing around with clay.

192/365 - vision quest 2010

Our school's social studies department took an end of year hike to celebrate the year and also to sendoff to one of our colleagues who will be leaving us this year. This guy is one of the best young teachers out there, full of life and a great role model for students. Gonna miss you Mark...

191/365 - hula hoop champ

191/365 - hula hoop champ
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Alex might hold the record for hula hooping by a 5-year-old. Not sure how she does it so well, she is a stick!

190/365 - happy birthday, jessamine

Today, my youngest turned one. I am not sure how this year went so fast...She is clapping her hands, saying "dada" (although not often enough), blowing kisses and is getting a little itch to start walking. Wow! I feel so blessed to have three beautiful daughters in my life. It's good to be the daddy of girls...

07 June 2010

189/365 - flowerpower

189/365 - flowerpower
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Every day, people drive by and ogle our house. It's fun to watch them rubbernecking as they cruise on past our front yard, and I would like to take full credit for it. The truth is, my wife was born with a green thumb and has made our front and back yards absolutely beautiful. Every other day, I get an amazing bouquet on my night stand and I certainly have never given her enough love for this.

06 June 2010

188/365 - looking for a hero

Baby J, who is standing now, has two heroes, her big sisters Gabby and Alex. They can almost do no wrong (except when they dare to take a toy or some dangerous object from her). The big ones were playing outside and she crawled to the sliding glass window, hoisted herself to standing, and proceeded to watch and laugh at those two until her big sister came to the rescue.

187/365 - the splasharino sisters

These two love a good splash. All summer long, 2-3 hours a day and they are running through, spraying, swimming in or splashing in the stuff. Happy days ahead!

05 June 2010

186/365 - senior retreat morning

Up in Gold Country for our senior retreat. After breakfast, I took a little photo walk and found that the light rain from the night before had left a little surprise...

185/365 - sunset poppy

185/365 - sunset poppy
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
The light was leaving and I was 4 hours into a 4 1/2 hour drive to our school's senior retreat. Spotted some wildflowers off the side and pulled over. I was pretty sure the shots would be sub-par, but this one was decent...

02 June 2010

184/365 - bad start to the day

Woke up at 4:30 to head over the hill for an early morning surf session. When I got there, it was absolutely beautiful. Plus, there were glassy waist-high sets just rolling through. Excited, I ran to my car and opened the container that holds my wet suit and...Easter Decorations...Yep, Instead of my surfing gear, I had mistakenly grabbed the decorations I was supposed to store in the space above our garage two months ago.

After considering surfing in just my board shorts (the water here is about 54 degrees) I tried to make the best of the situation by snapping off a few shots. My heart was just not into it. The sky in this one is amazing, but I am not a fan of the overbearing tree on the composition...

01 June 2010

183/365 - tired baby jess

183/365 - tired baby jess
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Just one week till this little bug turns one. Can't believe the time has flown so fast! This is a pre-breakfast shot, thus her sleepy eyes...

PS, Officially over the 1/2 way mark now on this 365! Woo hoo!