30 March 2010

120/356 - teacher conference day

Gabby had her student-led conference today. She was excited from the moment she woke up. She is doing fabulous and I cannot believe her kindergarten year is coming to a close. Slow down, time! Slow down!

29 March 2010

119/365 - karma camellia

119/365 - karma camellia
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Walked by these bad boys last Friday and thought, wow, I think I should throw a shot their way soon. After a fantastic week of weather, a storm moved in today, providing just enough drizzle for the camellia to be covered in droplets.

28 March 2010

118/365 - goose is loose

118/365 - goose is loose
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
When G is happy, there is not a better kid on earth. Today was her best friend Maddie's 6th birthday and, after a bit of a rough patch in the a.m., she was terrific. This is her, pre-party in our backyard, staying cool.

117/365 - she shoots, she scores!

Gabby still contends she doesn't want to play basketball, but she sucked it up and got out there and had a blast today.

116/365 - LindaBDayGirl

116/365 - LindaBDayGirl
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
One of the kindest souls on the planet turned 69 today. Michele had her over and the girls yucked it up until the wee hours (anytime after 10:00 when you have three kids...).

25 March 2010

115/365 - domination!

115/365 - domination!
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Our girls 8th grade team are a pretty solid group. There first game was today and they rocked it...Another banner for the gym?

114/365 - got my eye on you

Love this little monkey...the shot was not as sharp as I was hoping, but still my favorite one of the day...

23 March 2010

113/365 - mina's shoe

113/365 - mina's shoe
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Shooting a 6th and 7th grade volleyball game today and for some reason snagged this shot.

22 March 2010

112/365 - late afternoon flower

Nothing sooc about this one. Although the original wasn't bad, I wanted to play a little bit. A little sepia, a crop and some noise reduction, since I had to shoot ISO 1600 in the low light... Anyways, here it is...

21 March 2010

111/365 - nature's bounty

111/365 - nature's bounty
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
An easy Sunday with the family. We fixed up about 1/2 of our garden and the girls harvested the carrots they had planted a few months back. The oldest two are looking so much older all of a sudden, perhaps it is just the comparison to their 9-month old baby sister...not sure. All I know is, it seems to be going faster and faster.

20 March 2010

110/365 - in mommy's shoes

110/365 - in mommy's shoes
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
She's getting so big, I am feeling the need to take more and more pictures to try to stop time...

19 March 2010

109/365 - big old oak

109/365 - big old oak
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
One of my least inspired shots this year. I was waiting for a friend at the wrong spot and snapped off a couple to pass the time. Little did I realize that I would not shoot anything else today, so....this is it...

108/365 - big chuckles from supermom

It's got to be tough work being supermom, but Michele keeps making it look easier and easier. Love to see her so happy.

18 March 2010

107/365 - Happy St. Pats!!!

Didn't even have so much as one bite of corned beef or a sip of stout, although Michele's mom made an amazing St. Pats dinner on Saturday...

16 March 2010

106/365 - macro mustard

106/365 - macro mustard
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Not super inspired here, just playing with the macro feature of my old 18-85mm lens.

15 March 2010

102/365 - Urinetown!

102/365 - Urinetown!
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Blown away by our school's performance of Urinetown. I have been in the audience for many performances over my 13 years of teaching, but this was by far the best I have ever seen. Four of my AP Music Theory kids are in here...they were absolutely amazing!

104/365 - piggyback

104/365 - piggyback
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
The re-opening of Happy Hollow was today. A bit of a madhouse, but fun, nonetheless.

103/365 - saturday morning ritual

Each Saturday, I awake up to my wife bringing in our 9-month old and the four and six year old joining us for some cuddles as well. This is our middle yucking it up after cuddle time went a bit wild...

105/365 - another wish

105/365 - one more wish
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Alex loves making wishes. On stars, dandelions, whatever... She will whisper what the wish was in my ear and it really, really tickles. Usually I can't even hear what she is saying. I hope this one was for me.

11 March 2010

101/365 - this little sake cup of mine...

I can't remember taking a single art class in high school or college. The last truly memorable art class I took was in seventh grade. Twenty-five years later and I feel like I have missed out, so I am starting to make up for lost time. Two years ago I took a year-long photography course and now I am sitting in on our school's semester-long ceramics class.

This is my first attempt at throwing on the wheel. It is a little sake cup, slightly lopsided, but I am a proud papa...

10 March 2010

100/365 - straight ballin'

100/365 - straight ballin'
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
A little macro love for an old basketball I found on the courts outside our gym.

09 March 2010

99/365 - foul ball

99/365 - foul ball
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Shot a baseball game for a few innings today. I kept wishing the dugout was further back so the batter would be set in focus against a more out-of-focus background. Looking at it now, I kinda like the team being fairly in focus behind the hitter.

08 March 2010

98/365 - crape myrtle

98/365 - crape myrtle
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Some student of mine said we had 54 days left until summer break. I remember counting down each day when I was in high school, and certainly feel like I am in that mode now. Feeling uninspired and really could use some sun, warmth and free time...

07 March 2010

97/365 - barre chord blues

97/365 - barre chord blues
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Today was farmer's market day with the fam. This guy was pretty impressive. He played two tambourines with his feet, a sweet blues guitar and harmonica and sang as well. I can't even handle a simple barre chord...

96/365 - just feeling pretty good

This is Alex right after her last YMCA basketball class for the winter. They play on 4-foot baskets and she dunked on two boys toward the end of the game. Not sure she was as proud of the moment as her dad was...

Gabby rocked it as well today. She had been a bit scared to play and finally, on the last day, she played every minute of the game and had a blast.

Happy dad day today....

06 March 2010

95/365 - future nectarines

95/365 - future nectarines
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
What is more delicious, the nectarines these flowers will become or the gorgeous colors they flash in the spring?

94/365 - mustard bloom

94/365 - mustard bloom
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
I love spring. Big puffy clouds and flowers in bloom. Happy drive home today.

93/365 - Beast!

93/365 - Beast!
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Shooting a bit for our school's yearbook, they are low on photographers. Anyways, this is one of the smartest kids I have ever taught. A little afraid to be teaching him multivariable calculus next year...He is about 5x smarter than I am.

02 March 2010

92/365 - I ♥ Tola

92/365 - I ♥ Tola
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My early morning surf session was thwarted by big winds and nasty looking surf. A old surfer saw my glum face and told me something to the effect of "Dude, you are still alive, right? So live!"

Grabbed the camera and had some fun with the heart bokeh I had made yesterday. This is a shot of the Venetian Hotel in Capitola right before sunrise...

01 March 2010

91/365 - heart bokeh, take one...

Saw this on a flickr blog earlier today, so I had to try it out. Had a great time shooting, so not terribly disappointed that it did not turn out as well as I was hoping. Something fun to try when I get home too late from work...

If you want to see the tutorial or a good example, check out goodbyebyesunday:
