28 February 2010

90/365 - yum!

90/365 - yum!
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Typical morning. My oldest has been taking on the challenge of feeding little sister. Despite the look of things, most of it actually does end up in her mouth...

27 February 2010

89/365 - the joy of swing

89/365 - the joy of swing
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Actually took a few solid shots today, and this probably should have been a throwaway, but there was something about the feeling of the image that really grabbed me. My oldest had a rough day, but on that swing it all melted away and she was in pure bliss. I think we need these moments once in a while in life, just to remind us how fun the ride can actually be...

88/365 - if you're going...

...wear flowers in your hair. No flowers this time, just a fun (albeit extremely early) trip to a conference for teacher's of independent schools.

88/365 - if you're going...

...wear flowers in your hair. No flowers this time, just a fun (albeit extremely early) trip to a conference for teacher's of independent schools.

87/365 - tiny beauties

87/365 - tiny beauties
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
A quick hike after school and these little flowers just barely caught my eye.

24 February 2010

86/365 - Dad's on Duty Day

86/365 - Dad's on Duty Day
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Gabby's school invited all the dads to come to school for a few hours today. My oldest has a giant heart and it seems like everyone loves her at school. Made my own heart pretty happy all day long. Took this right before heading to school in the morning...

Wilde, Wilde Life

Wilde, Wilde Life
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Another bleh day...Need some motivation here. Took this one in the Library while our Seniors had a class meeting...

22 February 2010

84/365 - you can get yourself clean

Taken at our local YMCA after the kid's swim lessons. I had no idea this would end up being my shot of the day...

21 February 2010

83/365 - tres lindas

83/365 - tres lindas
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Today is the last day of our February break. Back to school tomorrow. Despite the rain, there was some decent light coming through our sliding glass window and I decided to take advantage of it...

20 February 2010

82/365 - bama's 65th

82/365 - bama's 65th
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
We threw a little surprise party for Michele's mom tonight. Good food, great people. Happy 65th Bama!

19 February 2010

81/365 - dew drop peas

81/365 - dew drop peas
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Family hike to see the elephant seals at Ano Nuevo today. They are pretty amazing, but not too photogenic...Along our way, I noticed these plants had trapped the beads of water in a pretty cool way.

18 February 2010

80/365 - beach day

80/365 - beach day
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Thought Santa Cruz would be a bit warmer than it was...Brrrrr! Still, we had fun and this shot seemed to sum up the day pretty well.

17 February 2010

79/365 - garden day

79/365 - garden day
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My back is going to be hurting tomorrow. Spent about 4 hours pulling out most of our deeply entrenched mint and rosemary. On the positive side, we were amazed at the life we found in just a small area. Salamanders, millipedes, beetles, snails, pill bugs...the kids had a blast!

16 February 2010

78/365 - heading out

78/365 - heading out
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Great day today. Sunrise session, shoulder high, glassy, and a small, but fun crowd. Took the family to the Pinnacles after which was a blast as well.

I was suited up, ready to head out when the colors of the sunrise caught me by surprise. I grabbed my camera and took a few hurried shots before heading out myself.

15 February 2010

77/365 - it's a mystery

77/365 - it's a mystery
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My wife and I have lived within 10 miles of this place our entire lives and today we went for the first time. No cameras allowed inside, too bad, there are some strangely cool and even beautiful elements of this house...

14 February 2010

76/365 - heart day

76/365 - heart day
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
I took 700 shots at a volleyball tournament today and my favorite capture of the day was this one. My 4 and 6 year old gave me these when I woke up today. Love 'em!

13 February 2010

75/365 - Spring!

75/365 - Spring!
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Just loved the colors....

74/365 - valentine's party day

My first attempt with textures...fun! Both girls had mammoth Valentines Day parties in their classrooms and I caught them hanging out before breakfast.

Gotta throw props to Spektoral Addendum for the use of his texture.


11 February 2010

73/365 - back to the darkroom

Yesterday, I got to spend about 2 hours working in our darkroom at school. Something pretty satisfying about that image showing up in the developer. Anyway, this is my workstation as I was going through my contact sheets and prints.

10 February 2010

72/365 - windy hill post-sunset

Spent a few hours in the darkroom today. Kinda fun to get back into the film world a bit. When I got out, the sun had just set and the hill between our school and the Pacific Ocean was aglow. Happy times.

09 February 2010

71/365 - real football

71/365 - real football
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Our women's team had their last home game today. I took about 400 shots, some of them surprisingly good, but I am not sure if I can pop them on Flickr. Still, I liked this one, so I made it my shot of the day.

08 February 2010

70/365 - daffodil daze

70/365 - daffodil daze
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Not much time to shoot (again) today. Right as I was getting ready to hop in my car for the trip home, a couple of these guys caught my eye...I know the centered-centered composition is not textbook, but something made me do it anyways...

07 February 2010

69/365 - rocket ship

69/365 - rocket ship
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Not sure where the fascination for used cardboard boxes comes from for kids...They actually drew up plans for their ship together and asked me to help with the duct taping (not sure where men's fascination for duct taping comes from...).

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68/365 - raindrop catcher

68/365 - raindrop catcher
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
Took a rainy day hike with my girls today. This is my oldest trying to catch raindrops on her hand. The pose reminded me a bit of the final scene of Breakfast Club...

06 February 2010

67/365 - holding jessamine

67/365 - holding jessamine
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My parents came down from Oregon for their first visit in almost a year. It was great to see them.

04 February 2010

66/365 - dancing light

dancing light
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
I was pretty bummed heading home today. I had some pretty mediocre shots of the weight room I worked out at, the light was low, and I knew my kids would be pretty tired after a long day, so the prospect of getting any good shots seemed pretty dim.

It was raining and the traffic was bad, so I popped my camera out its' bag and started shooting. It was a blast. Smiles and even a chuckle or two and I was feeling good once again.

Not sure any of the shots were good, but I had fun. This one is actually through the windshield of my car as I was waiting for the light to change. It is the headlights of the cars across from me also waiting for the light and the reflection of those lights off the dark and wet pavement.

03 February 2010

65/365 - all I want for christmas...

G lost her second top tooth today. I say lost, but actually, her kindergarten teacher ripped it out for her. Classic!

64/365 - through the lens

64/365 - through the lens
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My friend Doug's daughter trying to figure out how it all works...

01 February 2010

63/365 - g's 100th day

63/365 - g's 100th day
Originally uploaded by riebhoff
My oldest celebrated her 100th day of kindergarten today. This is her 100 day project, a giant heart with 100 cut-out, stenciled, or painted-on hearts inside. She did everything herself (or with her 4-year-old sister's help). Not a technically great shot, but a special day for her, she was beaming!!!